Creative Strategy, Brand & Experience


‘Pushing brands past cultural relevance into cultural leadership.’


Hi! I’m Laura, I’m a creative strategist, brand experience specialist and vision creator. 

I focus on brand building and experiences, approaching my client's challenges with the goal to differentiate them helping to change perception, motivate sales, build loyalty and position them as tastemakers in a competitive landscape. 

My clients are from all over Europe, the US, UK, China, Canada, Korea, Russia, and Middle-east. I have worked on brands including Lululemon, O2, VW, Swarovski, Diageo, Amore Pacific, Missguided, Google, Adidas and Marriott Hotels.

I work as a subject matter expert, creative director, and small and large multi-disciplinary, global and multi-cultural teams. I’m an advocate for the importance of creativity, critical thinking when dealing with complexity and uncertainty.
